Dynamical Atmospheric and Sea Surface Temperature Analysis Decade I August, 2017

  • Mohammad Ridwan
  • 14 Agu 2017
Dynamical Atmospheric and Sea Surface Temperature Analysis Decade I August, 2017


The air mass in the Indonesian territory is still dominated by the Wind of the Timuran, except in northern Sumatra, There is a cyclone pattern around the South China Sea, and wind bends in western Sumatra supporting the addition of moisture mass and formation of rain clouds, there is a reduction in the chances of forming a good cloud In the western part of Indonesia as well as in the vicinity of Bali and Nusa Tenggara (Monsun Asia Lemah, Strong Australian Monsoon), Western Indonesia is still dominated by Positive / warm SSTs which are likely to form rain clouds.

Predicted dasarian rainfall, low rainfall (<50mm) around Lampung, Java, Bali Nusa Tenggara, southern part of South Sulawesi, Muna Island to Southern Papua, Caurah Medium rain (50-150 mm) in most of Sumatra Kalimantan, Sulawesi part Central of the northern Maluku Province, West Papua in the eastern and northern parts of Papua Province, Rainfall Height (> 150mm) is in the vicinity of South West Sumatra to North Bengkulu, eastern West Kalimantan to West Kalimantan East, Maluku Islands, West West Papua and around Jayawijaya Mountains of Papua.

Regions experiencing Day Without rain> 60 Days: DI Yogyakarta: (BPP Sanden), Central Java: (Bate Alit, Unda'an Lor), East Java: (Roasted balong, Janjing, Mojosari, Pajarakan, Kedungdung). NTB: (Labuhan Pandan, Labuhan Badas), NTT: (Kamanggih, Daieko, Sulamu)
Areas with high rainfall potential: most of the rest are South and East Aceh, North Sumatra, West Sumatra to central Bengkulu, northern Borneo from West Kalimantan to North Borneo, Central to North Sulawesi, Maluku Islands and most of Papua, except the southern part and East of Papua.


Rainfall Prediction. Most of the rainfall is in the medium to high range (150-300mm / month). Unless Java, Bali and Nusa Tenggara are dominated by low rainfall (<100mm / month). Rainfall is high around North Sulawesi, Maluku Islands and most of Papua. Rainfall predictions are predominantly Normal, except in NTT and Southern part of Papua, with the dominant nature of Normal Overhead.

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