Dynamical Atmospheric and Sea Surface Temperature Analysis Decade III April, 2017

  • Mohammad Ridwan
  • 04 Mei 2017
Dynamical Atmospheric and Sea Surface Temperature Analysis Decade III April, 2017


  • There is a meeting of winds around Riau Islands, East and North Kalimantan, and the slowing of winds around West Java, South Sulawesi, Maluku Islands supporting the addition of moisture mass and formation of rain clouds, generally decreasing rainfall trends (Asian monsoon is weak, Australia Strong) , SST Indonesia Anomaly normal, IOD Strong Positive.
  • Anomaly of rainfall in dominance Above Normal (AN) except in central to southern part of Sumatra, West Kalimantan to Central, Banten, West Java and Central Java, West Sulawesi and Central to South Papua dominated Normal (N) - Below Normal (BN) ).


  • Rainfall Prediction Most of the rainfall in the middle range (150-300mm / month) except Java, Bali, Nusa Tenggara in the range (20-150mm / Month). Rainfall Height (> 300mm / Month) is likely in the islands of Maluku and central Papua around the Jayawijaya Mountains. The nature of rain below normal around the southern coast of Sumatra, Java, western and central Kalimantan, South Sulawesi and parts of NTT and southern Papua.
  • Rainfall is high during May may occur in Maluku and Central Papua around Jayawijaya mountains.

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